Debate Writing

Debate Examples

Caleb S.

20+ Thought Provoking Debate Examples: Including Tips

Published on: Feb 13, 2022

Last updated on: Oct 27, 2024

debate examples

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Many people struggle to find engaging and informative debate examples to enhance their understanding of various topics. Plus to improve their argumentation skills.

However, it can be challenging to find compelling examples that truly ignite intellectual discourse.

But worry no more! 

In this blog, we have curated over 20 captivating debate examples that will fuel your intellectual curiosity and stimulate meaningful conversations.

Whether you're a student, debater, or simply someone interested in the art of persuasion, this blog is for you.

Let’s get started!

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Debate Examples for Students

A detailed example is necessary to understand the proper format and structure for your debate. Likewise, written debate examples assist students in writing their own debates!

Perfect debate writing is an art that requires patience and dedication. These examples will help you master the skill.

Debate Examples for Primary School

Have a look at the examples for primary school to understand how debate questions are written. It allows you to see that even complex topics can be broken down in an easy-to-follow manner. 

Also, it will help you better grasp debate question writing and comprehension skills!

Debate Examples Ks2

Debate Examples Sentence

Debate Examples for Middle School

Check out these debate examples for middle school to get a better idea of the format.

Debate Examples for Class 8

Political Debate Examples

Debate Examples for High School

The following are good examples of debate for high school students. They can help you understand better and maybe even start a fiery political discussion with your friends!

Debate Examples for Class 11

Debate Examples for Class 12

Value Debate Example

Value debate is an argument that examines the values that drive decision-making. It usually pits debaters against each other to justify why their position should take precedence over others.

Take a look at the following example to know how to do it.

Value Debate Examples

Informal Debate Example

The goal of an informal debate is not to back up claims with evidence but instead assert or highlight something. For example:

A claim like ' I did the dishes last night ' does not need any sort of logical reasoning.

This could be an argument to convince your siblings that they should do the dishes next time. 

Informal debates are more enjoyable than formal ones because they don't require the burden of proof. Instead, informal discussions aim to assert or point out something with little evidence.

It encourages people who aren't convinced by what you say until then; maybe your tone makes them change their minds.

Individuals with different opinions use them to start the conversation. These debates may end up in confrontation or disagreement depending on how well-argued your position is compared with others.

Informal Debate Examples

Nature Debate Example

The nature debate is a philosophical argument about the origins and development of human behavior. It says that the physical features of your face are determined biologically.

It examines how environmental factors influence who we are. Among the factors that can be influenced are:

  • How we are brought up
  • Surrounding culture
  • Childhood memories
  • Social relations

The following are examples of a nature debate to help you understand the concept.

Nature Debate Examples

Nurture Debate Examples pdf

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Nature vs. Nurture Debate

The nature vs. nurture debate is a long-standing and complex discussion. It explores the relative contributions of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture) in shaping human traits, behaviors, and development. 

This debate has captivated researchers, psychologists, and philosophers for centuries. Refer to this example provided below for inspiration on how to write an outstanding nature vs. nurture debate.

Nature vs. Nurture Debate Examples

Rebuttal in Debate

A rebuttal is an attempt to refute, argue against, or deny while writing a debate. It mainly does so by introducing other evidence and reasoning to weaken opposing arguments.

To refute an argument, you need a clear idea of your side. A good starting point is to brainstorm ideas and come up with points that can change opposing side beliefs.

With the help of a given rebuttal example, you can get a clear idea.

Rebuttal In Debate Examples

Debate Examples Script

Given below are some more interesting debate examples. 

Criterion debate examples

Balloon debate example

How to Start a Debate 

Simply introduce yourself and your topic. Moreover, a captivating intro will make the listener pay attention and stay engaged for as long as possible.

The following characteristics must be present in an interesting debate introduction.

  • Your name 
  • Your stance on the subject, whether pro or con
  • Tell an engaging story about the topic.
  • Make use of a rhetorical question or a strong quote.
  • Recognize the judges, audience members, and your counterpart.

This will surely create a sense of curiosity in the audience by making them want to know more.

Do you want to sound convincing? Check out this amazing opening statement debate example!

How to Start a Debate - Examples

How to End a Debate

The conclusion of a debate must contain the following elements in order not only to wrap up all arguments but also provide context for future discussions.

  • Reiterate the most critical points.
  • Close your concerns naturally.
  • Give your judges something to think about after your debate.
  • Make your final remarks about your case.
  • Add a quotation to conclude the final argument.

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For more information, check out this video below.

Winning Strategies: Tips to Take Your Debating Skills to the Next Level

Mastering the art of debate requires more than just knowledge of the topic at hand. To truly take your debating skills to the next level, consider incorporating these winning strategies:

  • Research, research, research

Thoroughly educate yourself on the topic you'll be debating. Gather reliable sources, study different perspectives, and familiarize yourself with key arguments and counterarguments.

  • Construct A Strong Case

Develop a clear and logical structure for your arguments. Start with a compelling introduction, followed by well-reasoned points supported by evidence and examples. Anticipate potential rebuttals and prepare counterarguments.

  • Listen Actively

Engage in active listening during the debate. Pay attention to your opponent's arguments and be prepared to respond effectively. Take notes to organize your thoughts and identify areas where you can challenge their points.

  • Use Persuasive Language

Choose your words carefully to convey your ideas convincingly. Utilize rhetorical devices, such as analogies or powerful statistics, to strengthen your arguments and make them more memorable.

  • Maintain Composure

Stay calm and composed throughout the debate, even when faced with opposing views or aggressive questioning. Maintain a respectful tone and avoid personal attacks. Focus on the merits of the arguments rather than the individuals presenting them.

  • Rebut with Precision

When countering your opponent's arguments, address their main points directly. Clearly articulate why their reasoning is flawed or unsupported. Use evidence and logical reasoning to dismantle their claims.

Remember, debate is not only about winning, but also about learning and gaining a deeper understanding of complex issues. 

In conclusion, a debate can be an incredibly enriching and fulfilling experience. With these examples and winning debate tips , you will be equipped to engage in meaningful discussions and make your voice heard.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a debate example.

Here are seven steps to writing a debate:

  • Intriguing introduction 
  • Pre-speech note to draw the listener’s attention
  • A formal address to the audience 
  • The topic's development 
  • Negative consequences 
  • Conclusion 
  • A formal thank you to the audience 

How do you start a debate speech?

Below are some steps that will help you start a debate speech.

  • Start with a greeting
  • Tell an amazing story
  • Write facts
  • Share your opinion
  • State a problem

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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good debate speeches examples

Cegast Academy

20+ Debate Speech Outline Examples

debate speech writing tips

The debate speech outline examples below will help you to know how to write a debate speech. Are you a teacher handling English Composition or Essay Writing? You will find these debate speech outlines very useful.

Note that the majority of the outlines show you what the first speaker should say in a debate speech. This is because most high school level debate speech questions ask the candidate to write the principal speaker or main speaker’s debate speech.

Each debate speech outline or plan you will see here shows you how to write a complete debate essay with regard to the following.

  • What to say first as the principal speaker in a debate speech
  • How to introduce yourself in a debate
  • The kind of points you should be using to either support a debate speech motion or to speak against the motion. So each debate speech outline gives you a good number of points for both the pros and cons side. It is left to you to make your own choice.

These are debate speech outlines

They are templates or plans that must guide any candidate who desires to write a debate speech in a class test or external examination like WASSCE and NECO/SSCE. With these examples of a debate speech outline, my hope is that you will learn how to plan your debate speech before you begin the actual writing.

And on the happy occasion that you are faced with a debate speech question which is exactly the same as any one of the debate essay questions here, you will have an easier task planning and writing your awesome debate speech.

Should you need further explanation on how to write a great debate speech or argumentative essay, simply click the link below.


It’s time to get down to why you’re here. Find the examples of the debate speech outline for specific essay questions below.

Please, don’t forget:

  • Each debate speech outline is only the bare bones of the real essay. The points are therefore very brief. But you shouldn’t find it difficult developing them into complete, acceptable paragraphs.
  • You can only speak either FOR or AGAINST the motion. So do not take the points for both pros and cons at the same time.

You are the main speaker in an inter-school debate on the topic: The Media is to blame for the upsurge in crime in our society . Write your speech for or against the motion.


  • Vocatives (Make sure to always keep this simple and appropriate to the question.)

Example: Mr. Chairman, Panel of Judges, Headmasters, Members of Staff of both Schools, Guests, Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen.

2. Opening remarks,  your stance (FOR or AGAINST) and briefly why

3. Pros with evidence (That is, when you support the motion)

  • Violent films (armed robbery, domestic violence, drug abuse)
  • Pornography (pedophiles, rape, defilement, prostitution etc.)
  • Dubious means of making money – Promotion of materialism, dishonesty corruption etc.

4. Cons with evidence (This is when you’re speaking AGAINST the motion)

  • –    Crime detection and prevention ie.The media help in crime detection and  prevention.
  • There are more serious culprits – broken homes, peer pressure etc.
  • Economic factors are to blame: unemployment, poverty etc.

5. Conclusion/Closing Remarks.

SEE ALSO: How to Write a Report Essay (with example)

As the prinicipal speaker in a debate, write your speech for or against the motion: School days are the happiest days of one’s life

2. Opening remarks, your STANCE AND WHY

3. Pros with evidence e.g.

  • Events /friendship / socialization / social life etc. (Primary to Univ.)
  • Academic work – knowledge acquisition. competition etc. – exciting
  • Graduation :run-up to the event, the occasion – happy and most fulfilling moments

4. POINTS AGAINST: Cons. with evidence

  • Painful punishment & discipline
  •  Exam fever and failures
  •  High school fees and other financial burdens  
  •  initiation/bullying by seniors


You are the main speaker in a public debate on the motion, The country should not waste money on sending diplomatic representatives abroad. Write the speech you would deliver for or against the motion.

2. Opening remarks, your STANCE and why

3. POINTS AGAINST Cons with evidence (Not waste of Money BECAUSE):

  • Public Relations (P.R.) important in today’s international relations – positive image of country and government.
  • Attraction of foreign economic aid and investment
  • Protection of Welfare of nationals living abroad
  • Friendly ties with others for goodwill and security

4. POINTS FOR: Pros with evidence

  • Expenses could be used for more pressing domestic needs – lazy ambassadors.
  • Abuse of diplomatic immunity – country’s image rather tarnished e.g. drug related crimes by envoys
  • Suffering, imprisonment and death of nationals abroad in spite of ambassadors and high commissioners

5. Conclusion/closing remarks

As the principal speaker in an inter-school debate, write your speech for or against the motion: Money is the root of all evil.

3. POINTS AGAINST: CONS with evidence;

  • It is rather “lack of money (poverty)” that causes crime, quarrels etc.
  • Philanthropy, religious work etc. cannot be carried out without money
  • All holy books extol virtues of wealth creation eg. The Parable of the Talents in the Christian bible.
  • National Development is only possible when hard foreign currency is available.


  • Crime is committed for money
  • Replacement of the worship of God with worship of money these days
  • Broken relationships/marriages due to money disputes.

5. Conclusion/closing remarks.

You are the first speaker in an inter-school debate on the topic: Initiation ceremonies in schools should be abolished . Write your speech for or against the motion.

  • Opening remarks, your STANCE and why

3. POINTS FOR: Pros with evidence

  • Violent initiation practices – injuries etc.
  • Occultism – dangerous trend – LEADS TO crime etc.
  • Not well organized – waste of precious time
  • Create antagonism/ enmity and strained student interpersonal relationships

4. POINTS AGAINST: Cons with evidence

  • Needed for orientation – formal school orientation is desirable
  • Socialization – creates fellow-feeling and friendships
  • Entertainment: a source of fun and release of tension

As the principal speaker in a debate organized by the Youth Association in your community, write your speech for or agaisnt the motion, Females should be made to enjoy exactly the same opportunities as their male counterparts .


3. POINTS FOR: PROS with Evidence

  • To become better better mothers and character trainers of character
  • To contribute to the economy. They are naturally better at handling money and business. They can help in the home and contribute to national devt.
  • Leadership: to promote efficiency, honesty loyalty and peace in national life.
  • It is a question of human rights and equality under the UN declaration of human rights

4. POINTS AGAINST: Cons with Evidence

  • Biblical reference. – women are weaker vessels
  • Traditional place of woman is in the kitchen
  • Emotionally weak – can’t be strong,courageous leaders
  • Women become arrogant when given too many opportunities

You are the main speaker in an inter-school debate under the topic, The media has failed society . Write your speech for or against the motion.

3. POINTS AGAINST: CONS with Evidence;

  • Promotion of tenets of democracy.
  • Information and knowledge dissemination
  • Entertainment
  • Promotion of business, employment etc.

4. POINTS FOR or PROS to refute:

  • Promotion of immorality and crime
  • Promotion of national disunity – fanning ethnicity in politics
  • Defamation, sensationalism and character assassination
  • Adverts – dangerous drugs, alcohol

You are one of the speakers of your school in a debate on the motion, “ Girls are to blame for teenage pregnancy in our country ”. Write your contribution either for or against the motion.


3. POINTS AGAINST: CONS with Evidence (other factors bear greater responsibility)

  •  Parents – uncaring, irresponsible, lustful, immoral influence
  • Boys and older men – lustful, irresponsible
  • Media – indecent language use, pornography
  • Society – condones deviant behaviour, no sanctions, improper socialization, high poverty levels

4. POINTS FOR Pros with Evidence

  • Indecent dressing among girls
  • Disrespect for authority and disregard for discipline
  • Crave for material things and ostentatious lifestyle
  • Premature experimentation with sex

You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic, “ women can never be equal to men ”. Write your speech  for or against  the motion

SPEECH OUTLINE: Refer to Question 6 above.

Question 10

There is an inter-school debate on the motion, “ The prefect should always be on the side of the school authorities ”. As the main speaker for your school, write your speech for  or against the motion.

2 . Opening remarks, your STANCE and why

3. POINTS AGAINST: CONS with Evidence:

  • Can’t work in the interest of his/her fellow students – will become a yes-man to obnoxious policies
  • Prefect is elected by students, NOT authorities, to protect their interest.
  • This could lead to autocratic and paternalistic leadership from authorities
  • In the interest of democratic practices – as an elected representative, he/she must advance students’ views
  • It could lead to violent demonstrations

4. POINTS FOR: Pros to refute:

  • Students are immature and inexperienced
  • Students’ duty is to study and obey rules and not to meddle in or oppose school administration.
  • Two heads are better than one and there is strength in unity – iit’ll bring effective administration and school development

Question 11

You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion, “ The participation of women is essential in nation building ”. Write your contribution for or against the motion.

QUESTION/PLAN: Refer to points under Qs. 9 and 6

Question 12

As one of the main speakers in a debate, write your speech for or against the motion. “ Scientific advancement is a curse to mankind ”.

3. POINTS FOR: PROS with evidence

  • Wars causing unnecessary deaths and destruction due to manufacture of deadly weapons
  • Accidents in factories, on roads, in the air etc
  • Invention of harmful drugs and dangerous medical developments – Thalidomide drugs in the 60s, cloning, genetically modified foods
  • Climate change and global warming due to rapid industrialization
  • Cyber crime and immorality in the media

4. POINTS AGAINST; CONS with Evidence

  • Turning the world into a global village – easy, convenient communication
  • Improved standard of living – more free time for leisure, entertainment etc.
  • Easy access to education – distance learning etc
  • Economic development: impressive infrastructural development – roads, bridges, dams, electricity etc,

Question 13

You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: “ Drivers are to blame for the accidents on our roads”  Write your speech for or against the motion.

3. POINTS AGAINST:CONS with Evidence:

  • Drivers apart, passengers and pedestrians must carry the greater blame
  • Corruption and complicity on the part of personnel of Law enforcement agencies – from ports to highways, roads, lorry parks – condone  overloading, unqualified drivers, vehicles which are not roadworthy etc
  •  Govt. Officials – nature of road, lack of maintenance, shoddy road construction due to corruption in the award of contracts etc.

4. POINTS FOR: PROS with evidence

  • Drink driving
  • Unqualified drivers
  • Dangerous Overtaking
  • Overloading,
  • Speeding and carelessness
  • Greed leading to insufficient rest etc.

5. Conclusion and closing remarks

Question 14

To commemorate your school’s 20 th  Anniversary, you have been invited to contribute to a debate on the motion; “ The national government should continue to borrow money for development”.  Write your speech for or against the motion.

  • Inadequate internally-generated funds.
  • Interdependent world and global village
  • Business-like approach to governance and national development is now the norm. –  need to borrow money
  • Most loans are long-term and interest rates are very low

4. POINTS AGAINST: CONS with evidence

  • Such monies only end up being embezzled and misappropriated
  • It is better to be self-reliant than to be a beggar
  • High interest rates
  • Unfavourable conditionalities e.g. removal of subsidies on agric inputs, use of expertise of expatriate consultants, importation of inappropriate technologies from  lender countries , imposition of unworkable policies

Question 15

You are a speaker in a school debate on the topic; “ Our elders may no longer be active but they are still very useful  to our society” . Write your contribution for  or against  the motion.


  • Opening remark; your stance and why.

2. POINTS FOR: PROS with Evidence

  • They have experience and can offer useful  advice – all areas of life.
  • Trainers of children as most active parents are away
  • Guards/security in homes in the absence of younger members of the family
  • Entertainment & transmission of cultural heritage – folklore – stories, proverbs, etc.

POINTS AGAINST: CONS with evidence

  • They are a burden – they nag a lot
  • Weak and unfit – high medical bills
  • They are of no economic value – they  don’t produce anything and are therefore worsening the dependency ratio
  • Witches and sources of confusion in homes

Question 16

Your school is organizing a debate on the motion; “The media has done the society more harm than good. ” As a principal speaker, write your contribution for  or against the motion.

OUTLINE: Please, refer to question 7 above.

Question 17

You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: official visits abroad by a Head of State are beneficial to the country . Write your speech for  or against  the motion.

2. Opening remarks, your STANCE and why i.e. “FOR”

3. POINTS FOR: PROS with Evidence:

  • It is a public relations exercise for the country’s positive image
  • “Travel and see” The president will replicate development. projects seen in foreign countries e.g. Malaysia, Singapore
  • A  means of attracting foreign aid – loans, grants
  • Attraction of foreign private investment
  • Visiting Ghanaian/ nationals outside – caring head of state
  • Risk of accidents, coups, assassination etc.
  • Waste of badly needed funds for development on per diem, transport, dinners etc.
  • Distraction or escape from pressing domestic problems

Question 18

As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution  for  or against  the motion. “ We do not need  the extended family in our changing society”

3. POINTS AGAINST/CONS with Evidence:

  • Proper upbringing of children calls for help from others
  • Pooling resources together for individual, family and social development
  • A caring, selfless and united society where each person is his brother’s keeper.

4. POINTS FOR/ PROS with evidence

  • High dependency ratio – burden on a few hardworking ones
  • Retrogressive attitudes eg. Backbiting, jealousy, and disunity is widespread in every extended family
  • Problem grandparents – nagging, behaving like children etc due to old age

5. Conclusion and closing remarks.

Question 19

As the principal speaker in a debate, write your contribution for  or against  the motion: “ The disabled can make a meaningful contribution to national development”.


3. POINTS FOR/ PROS with Evidence:

  • Sports – athletics, boxing eg. The Para-Olympics games
  • Educators eg. teachers etc.
  • Creative arts – music, art, writing, artefacts
  • Politics – leaders etc,


  • They are incapable of physical activity
  • Rather depend on others for guidance and survival
  • National resources spent on them
  • Mainly beggars

Question 20

As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate. Write your contribution  for  or against the motion: “ Money and possessions do not necessarily bring happiness”

2. Opening remarks, your STANCE and why,

  • Happiness has very little to do with money and possessions –there are other more important factors e.g. good health, time with family and friends
  • Money may bring more discomfort and unhappiness and soured relationships – fear of thieves, anxiety over inheritance etc,
  • More money and possessions create desire for more leading to greedy and criminal behavior:  embezzlement, etc. incarceration/ imprisonment and social stigma
  • Jealous and demanding relatives may bring more misery to the person with a lot of money and possessions
  • All what man needs to be contented is provided by money e.g. food, clothing, shelter, leisure, entertainment
  • A poor man is not respected in our society – money and possessions bring prestige, social recognition and high sense of fulfillment.
  • Money can help one help others i.e. charity and be loved.

5. Closing remarks/Conslusion

Question 21

.As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for  or against  the motion: “ The youth of today have more opportunities than their predecessors” .

  •  There are better educational facilities and opportunities today
  • Scientific and technological development. has brought brighter job and career opportunities.
  • Now there are more open, free and democratic societies – freedom for creativity, self-determination and achievement.
  • It was a safer world in the past  – less dangerous times e.g. higher life expectancy
  • Better character training opportunities in the past for further achievement
  • Lower population in the past so no overcrowded schools etc.
  • Better job prospects, due to low turnout of school graduates

Conclusion and closing remarks.

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Would you like to share with us additional points for or against any of the motions above? You can write the inside the comment box below. Thank you!

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“The use of condoms have done more harm than good ” write for or against the motion

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