10 Thesis Topics in ENT: Ear, Nose, and Throat Are Under the Care

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ENT (Otolaryngology) is one of the oldest and one of the most important specialties in medicine. The abbreviation “ENT” stands for “ear, nose, throat” – these organs are so crucial for humans. Imagine your favorite singer not being able to sing, or you not being able to hear his/her lovely songs and music. Imagine you not being able to smell the aroma of coffee or your favorite meal, or your friend not being able to tell something interesting because of a sore throat. All hearing, swallowing, speech, breathing, sleep issues are related to that Ear-Nose-Throat specialists treat. In professional terms, ENT specialists are called “otolaryngologists”. Because of the difficult pronunciation of the word \ō-tō-ˌler-ən-ˈgä-lə-jist\, it’s much easier just to say “ENT”. To become well-trained professionals, these specialists should discover a large number of topics in ENT, then write a thesis on the most interesting topic. So what thesis topics in ENT can be explored?

In the field of Otolaryngology, there are many areas of expertise you can study, including:

  • Facial plastic,
  • Reconstructive surgery,
  • Head and neck oncology,
  • Laryngology,
  • Otology and Neurotology,
  • Pediatric Otolaryngology, and rhinology.

Therefore, there is a great number of ideas for thesis topics in ENT to choose from. Let’s look at them and make you ready to deal with one of them in this article. Keep in mind all our tips and success will wait for you while writing a thesis.

Table of Contents

Top 3 ENT Subfields to Study Prospectively Today

  • One of the most widely studied subfields of otolaryngology is head and neck oncology. Oral cancer is the most deadly disease of ENT according to WHO – it is estimated that 657,000 new cases of cancers of the oral cavity and
pharynx appear each year that causes more than 330,000 deaths. Take into consideration the other oral cancer facts that can be used in your thesis in more details. Among the major causes of oral cancer, most specialists identify smoking and using alcohol-containing mouthwashes. The results of some studies suggest that constant usage of alcohol-containing rinses increases the risk of oral cancer. Read more about alcohol and cancer risks . However, according to the results of other studies, there is no correlation between alcohol and oral cancer. That is why this issue should be studied more thoroughly so that people know exactly whether it is safe to use mouthwashes.
  • Another disease, which is quite common, particularly, among children, is otitis media . There exist two main types of this illness: acute otitis media and otitis media with effusion. There is a great variety of causes of acute otitis media ranging from allergies to drinking while laying (for infants). This disease is so widespread among infants because of their anatomy and immune system functioning. What is more, Amir Minovi and Stefan Dazert found out that otitis media occurs more commonly among those who suffer from Down syndrome and Indigenous people. Therefore, it would be interesting to study the correlation between race, Down syndrome, and the occurrence of otitis media.
  • Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery are now gaining more and more popularity. In particular, it is cosmetic surgery (facelift) which is extremely popular among women. This procedure is used to give a face a more youthful appearance. Typically, this includes the removal of unnecessary skin or cartilages. In spite of the fact that facial plastic surgery is believed to be safe, there always is a risk of complications. Typically, the most common are bleeding, hematoma, nerve injury, and infection. A thesis topic in ENT can be based on data on the frequency of these complications and you as a researcher can develop a strategy to reduce the negative influence of facial surgery on a body. Likewise, a researcher can write a thesis about the instruments used during operation and how one can improve them.

The List of 10 Thesis Topics in ENT to Explore

Otolaryngology is quite a complicated discipline. To become a good practitioner, a student should study for a very long period of time. As a rule, the training program includes writing a large number of research papers and theses. However, there are many subdisciplines of Otolaryngology, which are presented to you above. Thus, you have a great variety of interesting topics at your disposal. Look and explore them in your own thesis!

  • 10 Immune Responses to Head and Neck Cancer: Tumor Cell Detection
  • 8 Side Effects from Any Cancer Treatment
  • 11 Ways Preventing and Controlling Oral Complications in Cancer Patients
  • How Do Ear Infections Affect the Hearing Ability: 25 Complications of Otitis Media
  • Myringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube Placement in Adults: Post Surgery Care
  • Diagnosing Acoustic Neuroma: Top 5 Modern Diagnostic Procedures
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: The Treatment of Fractures and Malformations of Visceral Cranium
  • Facial Birth Defects Cured Through Early Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Operations
  • The New Treatment Methods of Facial Bones Fractures
  • 3D Printing Technologies and Their Applications in the Restoration of Facial Bones

Find strength to create a well-written thesis on these topics? If not, you have always a good option due to which you can buy thesis writing at any stage. Even if you don’t pick the best thesis topic in ENT, trust it to real experts.

5 References to Use in ENT Theses

  • Bull, T., & Almeyda, J. (2009). Color Atlas of ENT Diagnosis published by Thieme.
  • Cancer of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx – Cancer Stat Facts. (2017). Seer.cancer.gov. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/oralcav.html
  • Gutowski, K. (2013). Long-Term Results of Face Lift Surgery: Patient Photographs Compared with Patient Satisfaction Ratings. Yearbook of Plastic And Aesthetic Surgery, 2013, 92- 93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yprs.2012.07.013
  • Minovi, A., & Dazert, S. (2017). Diseases of the middle ear in childhood. NCBI.http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/cto000114
  • Ongole, R., & B. N, P. (2014). Textbook of Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology. London: Elsevier Health Sciences APAC


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