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Title: distributional semantics, holism, and the instability of meaning.

Abstract: Current language models are built on the so-called distributional semantic approach to linguistic meaning that has the distributional hypothesis at its core. The distributional hypothesis involves a holistic conception of word meaning: the meaning of a word depends upon its relations to other words in the model. A standard objection to meaning holism is the charge of instability: any change in the meaning properties of a linguistic system (a human speaker, for example) would lead to many changes or possibly a complete change in the entire system. When the systems in question are trying to communicate with each other, it has been argued that instability of this kind makes communication impossible (Fodor and Lepore 1992, 1996, 1999). In this article, we examine whether the instability objection poses a problem for distributional models of meaning. First, we distinguish between distinct forms of instability that these models could exhibit, and we argue that only one such form is relevant for understanding the relation between instability and communication: what we call differential instability. Differential instability is variation in the relative distances between points in a space, rather than variation in the absolute position of those points. We distinguish differential and absolute instability by constructing two of our own models, a toy model constructed from the text of two novels, and a more sophisticated model constructed using the Word2vec algorithm from a combination of Wikipedia and SEP articles. We demonstrate the two forms of instability by showing how these models change as the corpora they are constructed from increase in size.

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Distributional Theories of Meaning: Experimental Philosophy of Language

  • First Online: 17 June 2023

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distributional hypothesis paper

  • Jumbly Grindrod 29  

Part of the book series: Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning ((LARI,volume 33))

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Distributional semantics is an area of corpus linguistics and computational linguistics that seeks to model the meanings of words by producing a semantic space that captures the distributional properties of those words within a corpus. In this paper, I provide an overview of distributional semantic models, including a broad sketch of how such models are constructed. I then outline the reasons for and against the claim that distributional semantic models can serve as a theory of meaning, paying special attention to those within the field who have defended this claim. Finally, I conclude by arguing that despite the fact that such models are holistic, they nevertheless avoid the objections raised against holistic theories of meaning, particularly from Fodor & Lepore ( 1992 ) (Holism: a shopper’s guide. Blackwell, 1992) and Fodor & Lepore ( 1999 ).

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See also: Firth ( 1957 , p. 11) “You shall know a word by the company it keeps!”.

It seems likely that there is a difference in register here, and that this difference will affect the ways in which these expressions are distributed across corpora. See: § 5.4 for discussion of this issue with regard to distributional semantic models of meaning.

Lenci ( 2008 ) distinguishes between a weak form of the distributional hypothesis – equivalent to DH 1 – and a strong form. However, Lenci’s strong form is a cognitive hypothesis that distributional structures serve as part of the explanation of how expressions within a language are cognized. My focus here is on whether distributional semantics can serve as a theory of meaning and it is at least possible that a theory of meaning need not capture such cognitive facts. For further discussion of this issue, see § 5.3 .

Rather than looking at the most frequent terms, collocation analyses will often use association scores to pick collocates. This is reflective of the fact that often the most frequent collocates are simply the more frequent terms in a language, and so it is better instead to look at the collocates that bear the strongest statistical association, such as the highest Mutual Information score.

More complex models may capture the meanings of certain terms using some other mathematical object such as a tensor (see: Baroni et al., 2014a ). We will ignore this complication for now.

Readers seeking greater technical detail may want to turn to: (Erk, 2012 ; Clark, 2015 ; Kiela & Clark, 2014 ; Lenci, 2018 ; Boleda, 2020 ).

The cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle is calculated by dividing the adjacent side with the hypotenuse. There are alternative measures of similarity, such as Euclidean distance or the dot product, which may be called for in particular investigations. One advantage of cosine similarity with regard to investigating meaning is that it does not take into account the magnitude of the vector and so is not affected by the overall frequency of the terms in the way that Euclidean distance or dot product is. This accords with the idea that two terms could be very similar in meaning even if one is used much more frequently than the other.

For an overview of various weighting functions, see Kiela and Clark ( 2014 ).

Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for emphasizing this point.

Landauer and Dumais ( 1997 ) and Lenci ( 2018 ) both emphasise the importance of dimensionality reduction in the process of producing a model that captures meaning. Both suggest that dimensionality reduction serves as an abstraction mechanism that picks up on latent patterns in the distributional data that would not be detected by a model operating on raw frequency statistics. In this respect, dimensionality reduction may be an important step that brings greater benefit than just computational efficiency.

There may still be indirect appeal to intuitions. For instance, if our model is constructed according to whether it can predict human judgments of semantic similarity, then clearly meaning intuitions are playing a role in the evaluation of the model. But even if we acknowledge this, there is still a sense in which the role of intuitions is being minimized. We may allow that meaning intuitions are playing a role at the point of model evaluation, but once we have a model that passes the evaluation, and so (ideally) works, this will be able to inform us about the meanings of terms not included in the evaluation task.

Thanks to Emma Borg for emphasising this point.

Note that the kind of polysemy considered here is what might be termed compositional polysemy i.e. the variation in meaning that an expression displays when combined in various larger expressions. It could be argued that this phenomenon presents no particular problem for the formal semantic tradition provided that it is acknowledged first that e.g. “cutting” may be associated with more than one sense and second that which sense it contributes depends partly on the expression it is combined with. There would be no principled barrier to a formal semantic model capturing these facts, and so there is no thorn in the side of the semantic tradition here (Fodor & Lepore, 1998 , p. 284; Borg, 2012 , pp. 188–189). Even if this is right, the benefit of DSMs should still be noted i.e. that they seem to provide a way of modelling how the specific meanings of complex expressions can arise from their parts, rather than just providing a general model of how expressions of particular semantic types combine with one another.

Westera and Boleda’s account certainly warrants greater discussion than I will give it here. In particular, their proposal has clear points of similarity with other views (e.g., radical contextualist views, relevance theoretic views, Pietroski’s ( 2018 ) internalist account of meanings as procedures) that claim that a theory of meaning should not capture worldly phenomena such as truth and reference. Westera and Boleda arguably go a step further in claiming that a theory of meaning should not even capture entailment relations.

See also Lenci ( 2008 ).

McNally and Boleda ( 2017 ) propose a novel combination of discourse representation theory and distributional semantics in order to capture the conceptual composition of modified noun phrases (e.g. that “red” modifies “pen” in a different way to the manner in which it modifies “apple”), and particularly the way in which the conceptual composition is sometimes affected by features of the object referred to (what they call “referentially afforded interpretations”). In doing so, they develop an interesting proposal on how distributional representations can be viewed as encoding conceptual information for both simple and complex expressions.

See Bender and Koller ( 2020 ) for a complaint of this kind applied specifically to the idea that language models capture meaning or understanding.

An alternative approach to capturing compositionality in a DSM has been to use recurring neural networks, where the vectors for individual words are used as input to a neural network that then produces a vector for the combination of those words (Socher et al., 2012 ).

See, e.g., Firth ( 1957 ); Lenci ( 2008 , 2018 ); Sahlgren ( 2008 ); Erk ( 2012 ); Westera and Boleda ( 2019 ).

It is tempting to think that DSMs are only holistic according to the above definition if the corpus dictionary contains all other expressions contained within the corpus – and so the meaning of any given expression would be represented by its co-occurrence with all other expressions within the corpus. This needn’t be the case, however. The corpus dictionary just plays the role of capturing the distribution of a given expression within a corpus. Even if one had a limited corpus dictionary, it would still be the case that the distribution of one expression would be dependent upon the distribution of all other expressions including those not included within the corpus dictionary.

One objection against holistic theories of meaning is that holistic meanings are not compositional (Fodor & Lepore 1992 , p. 175 ff.). As we saw in Sect. 5.2 , whether DSMs can capture the compositionality of meaning is currently treated as an open research question within distributional semantics, and so I will not consider that objection any further here.

Fodor and Lepore emphasise other problems that arise from such instability. For instance, it would seem that an individual would never be able to change their mind regarding the truth of a sentence, as any change in mind would be a change of beliefs, and so what was meant by the sentence would then change as well. So strictly, rather than going from believing p to believing ¬p, the individual would then be considering some proposition other than p. They also emphasise that inferentialism understood as a theory of mental content will not be able to provide intentional explanations that generalise over propositional attitudes, as the possession of propositional attitudes will be dependent upon the particular beliefs of an individual. However, these problems are quite particular to a form of meaning holism that depends upon the complete set of beliefs for an individual, and so they will not be of concern here.

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Grindrod, J. (2023). Distributional Theories of Meaning: Experimental Philosophy of Language. In: Bordonaba-Plou, D. (eds) Experimental Philosophy of Language: Perspectives, Methods, and Prospects. Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning, vol 33. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 17 June 2023

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Distribution is not enough: going Firther

Andy Lücking , Robin Cooper , Staffan Larsson , Jonathan Ginzburg

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  • Andy Lücking, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson, and Jonathan Ginzburg. 2019. Distribution is not enough: going Firther . In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science , pages 1–10, Gothenburg, Sweden. Association for Computational Linguistics.


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